sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

It's probably the end.

Decidi deixar este blog verdadeiramente ao abandono.
Tem mais coisas que eu gostaria de esquecer, do que as que gostaria de lembrar.
Ficará assim, pedaço de memória perdido.
Não consigo viver com as memórias contidas aqui, e como não posso pegar fogo ao blog, abandono-o.
A todos os seguidores, tenham uma boa vida.
A quem interessar, tenho um tumblr, onde rebloggo coisas que importem, sem entrar em detalhe, e que eventualmente vou esquecendo. É mais fácil. .
Quem eu era quando escrevia regularmente neste blog, já não sou. Passam quase seis meses desde a morte do meu antigo eu, e nunca mais me consegui reaver. Assim, adapto-me na esperança do vazio passar. Deixo o blog, uma parte da minha vida que preciso de esquecer.

Até mais.

quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012

If only you knew.

If only you knew how much it hurts.
If only you knew how hopelessly I waited.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how much it angers me that I still let you haunt my dreams.
If only you knew how much I cried.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how much I hate you for telling me you'd always be there for me.
If only you knew how much I hate you for not being always there for me.
If only you knew how broken you've left me.
If only you knew how I missed you.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how it killed me.
If only you knew how maybe it still does.
If only you knew what true love was.
If only you knew, maybe you could've stayed.

sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011

Hmm, ch-ch-changes :)

Deixando este meu interlúdio natalício pseudo-baboso e cenas, vamos falar do Natal per se :3
Tá quase e cenas! xD 
pronto, é isto que tenho a dizer do Natal, visto que ainda não foi, faltam umas horas xD

Vá, não se zanguem comigo, é daqueles momentos em que eu tenho muita coisa a dizer mas não é ao blog, porque o blog não fala comigo xDD

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

The new beginning.

I'm stopping right where I said I would.
This was quick, but not quite painless.
The old you was a virus inside my head.
The new you is a ghost I've never got to know, nor I wish to.
I hoped you choked in your own lies, like I wanted to cry you a fucking river and drown you in my own tears.
I promised myself it'd be as if you never existed.
Past tense.
I'm breaking that promise right here and right now.
You did exist. You left me when you wanted to. I'm not denying the obvious now, not anymore.
This is the last goodbye.
Goodbye and thanks for the memories.

quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011

Dear life, when I asked "can my day get any worse?" was a rhetorical question not a challenge.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

It was never the last goodbye.

In my dreams I see you
I awake so alone

I know you didn't want to leave
Your heart yearned to stay
But the strength I always loved in you
Finally gave way

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never never stay

In my dreams I can see you
I can tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you
And it feels so real

I still feel the pain
I still feel your love
I still feel the pain
I still feel your love

You took my heart away
oh I wish, I wish you could have stayed.