quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012

If only you knew.

If only you knew how much it hurts.
If only you knew how hopelessly I waited.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how much it angers me that I still let you haunt my dreams.
If only you knew how much I cried.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how much I hate you for telling me you'd always be there for me.
If only you knew how much I hate you for not being always there for me.
If only you knew how broken you've left me.
If only you knew how I missed you.
If only you knew how much maybe I still do.
If only you knew how it killed me.
If only you knew how maybe it still does.
If only you knew what true love was.
If only you knew, maybe you could've stayed.

2 comentários:

  1. *rap time*

    "N-n-now that that don't kill me
    Can only make me stronger"

    ^ musiquinha dos meus 15 e que ainda não desviciei dela xD

    A vida é assim mesmo, e tem de se mandar o que nos faz mal pra trás das costas, a vida é demasiado boa e curta pra se desperdiçar com quem não merece a pena. Mesmo.

    E, como eu dizia antes, só há três coisas que não tem fim: a morte, as linhas rectas e os números (okay eu sou parva xD). Tudo o resto tem fim :\ por muito que custe e doa, nunca se deve acreditar realmente num "sempre" :(

    6a feira já te animo ^^
    *hugs* <3

  2. *15 anos xD quase podia jurar que tinha escrito isso -.-
